Meet Mavis: A Powerful, Patchable, Analog Synth | Moog »

Moog have launched a really cheap (well, for Moog), build-it-yourself, semi-modular analog synth and the reviews have been pretty great so far.

robinsloan > The lost thread »

Many peo­ple don’t want to [quit Twitter] because they worry: with­out my Twitter account, who will lis­ten to me? In what way will I matter to the world beyond my apartment, my office, my family? I believe these hes­i­ta­tions reveal some­thing totally unre­lated to Twit­ter. I don’t have words for it, exactly, but if you find yourself fret­ting in this way, I will gen­tly sug­gest that it’s worth quest­ing a bit inside your­self to dis­cover what you’re really worried about.

Pronounce GIF · The Correct Way, Without Question »

Simply stated, the proper pronunciation of the acronym GIF is with a ‘soft g’ sound. As in, ”it is a gigantic waste of your time to try and debate me on this, because I’ve worked out all the angles.”

Hypercritical: An Unsolicited Streaming App Spec »

Forwarding this to the RTE Player team.

Joel Coen's "The Tragedy of Macbeth", Reviewed by Ethan Coen »

In the interest of full disclosure, my editor has requested that I mention that I was Mr. Coen’s writing partner, producer, and creative collaborator on the aforementioned 18 films. I am also his brother. We parted ways prior to Macbeth in a split that the press described as completely amicable. Despite my prior association with Mr. Coen, I feel that I am entirely capable of reviewing his work in a fair and objective way.

Macbeth is Joel Coen’s shittiest movie by several billion light years.

How we made: Billy Bragg’s A New England | Billy Bragg | The Guardian »

By 1980, Margaret Thatcher had been elected, the band had broken up and punk had dissipated into synthesiser groups, so A New England was my way of saying that I needed a hug as well as a new ideology.

Me too, Billy. Me too.

The Mitchells vs. the Machines | Netflix Awards »

I love a good artbook and Netflix have uploaded the artbook for The Mitchells vs the Machines. The film is great and the artbook is lovely.

Modern for Wikipedia »

A handy browser extension to re-skin Wikipedia to make it a bit more modern. Has some nice customization options.

Processing: the Software that Shaped Creative Coding »

An oral history of Processing, which has a special place in my heart

Shadow Planet, by The Cotton Modules »

An album made of AI and cassette tapes. Sounds really organic and haunting. They also wrote about the album’s creation.