PT: The Movie

Someone put together all the best bits of PT (one of my favourite games of last year) and cut them together as a ‘found footage’ horror film. And you know what? It still scares the pants off me.

The matte paintings of the original Star Wars trilogy and their creators »

When I was about ten years old, I saved up all my pocket money for months and bought myself a hardback copy of Industrial Light and Magic: The Art of Special Effects. And the thing I loved most about this book was all the matte paintings. Such a simple idea, but so powerful and so evocative. I’d get lost in them for hours. And here we are, over twenty years later and they still draw me in, every time.

The Fleshlight Model Visits the Fleshlight Factory

My favourite part of this video is where she’s standing next to the owner of the fleshlight factory and the interviewer asks the owner “have you ever used the fleshlight?” and he’s like “of course!” then realises he’s standing next to the lady whose fake vagina he masturbated into. I haven’t seen anything that awkward in ages.

Broad City Meets Sleater-Kinney »

I don’t know who in NPR thought it would be a good idea to invite the stars of Broad City (one of the best shows on tv right now, btw) to interview Sleater-Kinney, but that person should be given a massive promotion.

How PAPER Magazine’s web engineers scaled their back-end for Kim Kardashian »

One of the things nerds love to do is look at other people’s stacks and say, “what a house of cards!” In fact I fully expect people to link to this article and write things like, “sounds okay, but they should have used Jizzawatt with the Hamstring extensions and Graunt.ns for all their smexing.”

I rarely link to articles that relate to the kinds of things I do at my day job because they’re usually so dry and boring. But remember when I said Paul Ford was one of my internet heroes? Well, this shows why. So terrifically written.

An Oral History of the Poop Emoji »

Fun fact: the computer I’m typing this on is called :poop:. Every time I see this in a list of network devices, it cheers me up.

This is Water

A while ago, I went through a rough patch, both mentally and emotionally and this speech – specifically the audiobook version – helped get me through it. I’d listen to it at night when I was more likely to be hit with a panic attack and it helped calm me and also helped me think outside of myself, which was exactly what I needed.

God, I miss DFW.


How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet »

Owning a cast iron skillet requires stability. It requires an ability to think in the long term. Can you live up to it? As you will see, this is not the kind of pan you can expect to cook with for a couple years and throw away once it starts to show signs of use. It’s not goddamn Teflon. Your cast iron skillet will outlive you, and your care is important, even crucial. More than anything, you should only have cast iron in your life if you love it. Now ask yourself, are you ready?

I bought a cast iron skillet a couple of years ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. We live in a disposable world of planned obsolescence and to have something that you know will outlast you – well, that’s a special feeling. Plus, it’s an amazing tool to cook with. But this article is totally right: taking care of the skillet is something you have to take very seriously.

Reply All - Anxiety Box »

Along with Casey Neistat, Paul Ford is one of my internet heroes. They’re both eloquent, creative and prolific. This is a great podcast about one of the things Paul Ford created and why. While you’re at it, you should also check out Reply All’s amazing episode about Larry Shippers.