In her recent blog post, my wife pointed out that the “it Says in the Papers” section of Morning Ireland is a really useful tool for giving you a super-condensed daily overview of the major stories in Irish media. And it’s true. It’s my favourite part of Morning Ireland (well, technically it’s my second-favourite, right after Harem Lousch reading the weather forecast – honestly, nothing brightens your day quite like hearing a Dutch person saying “schattered schowersch”). So I was pretty happy when my wife said “It Says in the Papers” was downloadable as a podcast.

Turns out that’s not strictly true.

It’s actually only available as part of the general Morning Ireland podcast, which also includes the news bulletins, the sport, the weather, as well as miscellaneous stories broken out into their own individual podcast episodes. In other words, there’s a whole load of shit there that I’m not actually interested in and don’t want to spend five minutes each morning deleting the extraneous crap from my feed just to get at the stuff I actually care about.

So I’ve created “Morning Ireland - The Best Bits”, which takes the Morning Ireland podcast firehose and filters it down to just the bits I care about – the news bulletin, It Says in the Papers (and Harem Lousch reading the weather).

To subscribe to it, just add the following URL to whatever podcasting software you’re using:

Obviously, the normal legal stuff applies – I don’t actually own the license for the media, this is for personal slash educational use only, caveat emptor – etc. etc. If you’re using it and you have any feedback, drop me an email.