One of the nice things about having a blog that no-one actually reads is that you can do silly, borderline reckless things with almost no fallout. For example, you can completely change your backend from Wordpress to Jekyll on a whim.

So this weekend, that’s exactly what I did.

And I have to say, it’s been an interesting experience. I moved from Livejournal to my own Wordpress blog, on my own domain ( - RIP) in 2004. Besides the general embarrassment that comes from reading stuff from your past, (especially when I moved away from the earnest, personal writing on Livejournal and I was trying so hard to be clever and articulate over here), there’s also the sheer volume of cruft that’s built up over time. I’ve spent the weekend blowing the cobwebs off the darker corners of my Wordpress database and trying to extract this content into something that makes sense and will out-live Wordpress. Both of these have clarified exactly why I needed to move to something like Jekyll.

Now my blog is written in text files that live in my Dropbox and I don’t have to worry about the latest Wordpress 0-day exploit.

But there’s still a lot of work to be done. Broken images need to be found. Broken links need to be fixed. The migration is maybe 90% complete. So bear with me while I get it finished.